
Event info

Bubbi will hold his Valentine’s day concert live from Hlégarður, which you can attend from the comfort of your living room. The stream is available globally and you can buy tickets here, just choose the option “Streymi”.

The concert starts at 20:00 GMT, is about 90 minutes long, and Bubbi will play all greatest love songs from his incredible musical career, spanning four decades.

  1. Click “Buy Tickets” on this page.
  2. Click on the option “Streymi”
  3. Choose how many tickets you need (you only need one ticket for each screen) and click “Find Tickets”
  4. Complete the purchase journey
  5. Click “Get tickets” immediately or if you want to do this later check your e-mail inbox for your ticket confirmation from info@tix.is (if it does not arrive please check your spam folder) and click “Get tickets” and then “Get tickets” again on the website that opens.
  6. Your code is in line three on your ticket.
  7. Go to www.senalive.is/bubbi-streymi
  8. Click “Innleysa kóða” (Redeem Code)
  9. Enter your code in the dialog box. You’re done!