
Bíó Paradís

Event info

Breaking the limits (Najlepszy) er saga innblásin af lífi Jerzy Górski, sem lauk “dauðahlaupinu” og setti heimsmet á heimsmeistaramótinu í þríþraut. Metið, 24klst:47mín:46sek, hefði hins vegar ekki verið mögulegur ef ekki væri fyrir tvær konur í lífi hans.

Myndin er sýnd sem hluti af kvikmyndasýningum 2022-2023 „Pólskar ævisögur í kvikmynd“, kynntar af sendiráði lýðveldisins Póllands í Reykjavík.

Frítt inn og allir velkomnir – bóka þarf boðsmiða á skráningarhlekknum HÉRNA!


When weakness becomes your greatest strength! Screening on 11th December.

Lukasz Palkowski (director of the box-office hit “Gods”), was inspired in this movie by the real life
events of an extraordinary human being. The man who proved that real heroes are not afraid to fall
down and can pick themselves up from the rock bottom. “Breaking the limits” revolves around an
athlete, who captured the world’s imagination, while to this day he’s virtually anonymous in Poland.
This captivating story of torturous efforts, spectacular failures and extraordinary strength, was
inspired by the life of Jerzy Górski, who completed the Death Run and set the record in the triathlon
world championships, winning the Double Ironman distance in 24h:47min:46sec.

This feat wouldn’t be possible without two women in his life. The one that he lost. And the one, that
became the inspiration to fight for his life. Starring: Jakub Gierszal, Janusz Gajos, Magdalena Cielecka,
Arkadiusz Jakubik, Tomasz Kot, Mateusz Kosciukiewicz, Adam Woronowicz, Artur Zmijewski, Anna
Próchniak, Kamila Kaminska, Szymon Warszawski and others. The movie’s cinematographer, Piotr
Sobocinski Junior, won Best Cinematography at the 41st Gdynia Film Festival, for Wojciech
Smarzowski’s “Hatred”.