
Event info
Hugi hefur fundið skjól frá flækjum lífsins í litlu, kyrrlátu þorpi úti á landi, sækir AA fundi, lærir portúgölsku og kann ágætlega við sig í fásinninu. Þegar hann fær símhringingu frá föður sínum sem boðar komu sína er hið einfalda líf skyndilega í uppnámi.

English: Seeking shelter from the trials and tribulations of city life, Hugi has built a quiet existence for himself in a tiny village in the middle of nowhere. Here, he passes his days jogging, attending AA meetings and taking Portuguese lessons online. But when Hugi’s estranged, boozy father shows up out of the blue, the precarious balance he has worked so hard to achieve is tested to the limit.